Page 47 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 47

Topic Summary - Tenses

        Time Expressions Frequently Used in Future Simple Tenses: will – be going to

                      tomorrow                tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening  next week / month / year / century

                       in 2050                 in two days’ time / in a week’s time  in five hours / weeks / months
                     soon / later                    a few days from now                   from now on

             ▪ Environmentalists predict that hundreds of species will disappear from the face of the earth in two decades’ time.

             ▪ A few days from now, all schools in the vicinity are going to have a mandatory evacuation drill.
        ▶  Aşağıdaki tabloda verilen zaman bağlaçlarından sonra “Present Simple Tense” ya da “Present Perfect Tense”
             getirilerek “Time  Clause” yapılır. Bu yapıda ana cümlede ise “Future Simple Tense: will – be going to” kullanılır.

                                           Time Clause                        Main Clause
                               As soon as
                                 Before          Present Simple Tense,      Future Simple Tense
                                 Once         +  OR
                               Soon after        Present Perfect Tense,      (will – be going to)

            ▪ Once a student completes / has completed the programme successfully, he will get degrees and also certificates to pursue further
               studies or employment.
            ▪ After applicants submit / have submitted transcripts and letters of recommendation, the department of human resources will contact

                them to schedule interviews.
            ▪ None of the students is going to sign up for any summer classes until scholarship exams take / have taken place next month.

        10. Usage of Future Continuous Tense
        Structure of Future Continuous Tense
        “Future Continuous Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
                               Affirmative                     Negative                     Interrogative

         You / We / They Archaeologists will be excavating the area at   Archaeologists will not be excavating the area  Will archaeologists be excavating the area at
          I / He / She / It this time next Friday.  at this time next Friday.     this time next Friday?
        Usage of Future Continuous Tense

        ▶  Gelecekte bir noktada yapılıyor olacak olan durumlar
             ▪ At this time tomorrow, the president will be giving his speech on national television.
             ▪ We will be having an important meeting with our clients this afternoon, so I may not answer your calls.
        ▶  Gelecekte farklı zamanlarda tekrarlanarak devam edecek olaylar
             ▪ The new assistant manager will be holding meetings with the department heads every Wednesday.

        ▶  Kişilerin planlarını sorduğumuz durumlar
             ▪ Will the manager be attending this afternoon’s staff meeting, or will she be sending a representative?
        ▶  Gelecekte belirli bir zamanda olması beklenen, tahmin edilen ya da planlanan olaylar ve durumlar
             ▪ In 2050, humankind will be living in an environmentally sustainable society that runs on renewable energy.
        Time Expressions Frequently Used in Future Continuous Tense

         next week / month / year  next time   when      at this time next Monday  at five pm tomorrow  in the future

             ▪ At this time tomorrow, the world leaders will be meeting in Italy to address the global ecological crisis.
             ▪ More than half of the world population will be living in urban areas in the following ten years.
             ▪ Next week, the prime minister will be attending the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Bali, Indonesia.

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