Page 44 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 44

Time Expressions Frequently Used in Past Continuous Tense

             while       just as   constantly     as         when      at that time  in those days  at this time last night
             ▪ My father was working as a sales manager for an international company in those days, so he had the opportunity to travel to
               different countries.
             ▪ As the deer was drinking water from the spring, the lion was watching it behind the bushes.
             ▪ I was playing chess online while my brother was doing his homework.

        Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense
        ⃣   Geçmişte birbiri ardına tamamlanan birden fazla eylemi ifade etmek için, “Past Simple Tense” kullanılır.
             ▪ The thieves broke into the house, stole everything valuable and left just in minutes.
        ⃣   Geçmişte birbirinden bağımsız olarak başlamış ve devam eden eylemleri ifade etmek için “Past Continuous Tense” kullanılır.
             ▪ Some kids were swimming in the sea while the others were building sand castles on the beach.
        ⃣   Geçmişte başka bir eylem devam ederken tamamlanan / araya giren eylemi ifade etmek için “Past Simple Tense” kullanılır.
             ▪ The president was delivering an important speech when the power went off.
        7. Usage of Past Perfect Tense
        Structure of Past Perfect Tense
        “Past Perfect Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.

                               Affirmative                     Negative                      Interrogative
           You / We /   The excavation at the site had started  The excavation at the site had not started  Had the excavation at the site started
             They    before they decided to construct the   before they decided to construct the   before they decided to construct the
          I / He / She / It bridge.                bridge.                         bridge?

        Usage of Past Perfect Tense
        ▶  Geçmişteki bir eylemden daha önce gerçekleşmiş eylemler
             ▪ The army was ill-equipped to fight several nations on a single front because it had not prepared for a long war.
        ▶  Geçmişte belirli bir zaman diliminden önce tamamlanmış eylemler
             ▪ Long before the invention of the wheel, ancient people had used three means of transportation: walking, riding horses, and sailing in primitive boats.
        ▶  Dolaylı anlatımda “Past Simple Tense” içeren cümlelerin aktarımında
             ▪ The officials stated that they had obtained that important information the week before.
        ▶  Koşul cümlelerinde (Third Conditional & Mixed Conditional)
             ▪ If Mehmet the Conqueror had lived a bit longer, Turkish history might have taken a very different turn.
             ▪ If Germany had been able to win the WWII, most of Europe might still be within the boundaries of Germany.
        ▶  Geçmiş ile ilgili pişmanlıklarımızı ifade eden “wish” ve “if only” yapılarında
             ▪ Some of the directors wished the company had not purchased a site on an environmentally sensitive wetland.
             ▪ If only the employment rates in the region had risen for every demographic group and at every level of education.
        Time Expressions Used in Past Perfect Tense

             just          by          after       already      before        once          yet        prior to
             when         until     as soon as      since         till      by the time     for         never
        ▶  Aşağıdaki tabloda verilen zaman bağlaçlarından sonra “Past Perfect Tense” getirilerek “Time Clause” yapılır.  Bu yapıda ana
             cümle ise “Past Simple Tense”dir.
                                           Time Clause                      Main Clause
                                 As soon as
                                   Once           + Past Perfect Tense,   Past Simple Tense
             ▪ The natural environment of the surrounding coastal plains started to change drastically as soon as the construction project had begun.
             ▪ Once the ordered goods had arrived at the docks, a group of inspectors looked at the quality of the imports and declared whether
               they were acceptable or not.
             ▪ When the three students had defaced a dozen library books, university officials charged them with ‘disorderly conduct’, a misdemeanour.

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