Page 45 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 45

Topic Summary - Tenses

        ▶  Aşağıdaki tabloda verilen zaman bağlaçlarından sonra “Past Simple Tense” getirilerek “Time Clause” yapılır. Bu yapıda
             ana cümle ise “Past Perfect Tense”dir.

                                           Time Clause                      Main Clause
                                 By the time      + Past Simple Tense,     Past Perfect Tense
             ▪ The employees had already assembled a committee to represent their interests in the process when the hotel management
               announced the upcoming reconstruction.
             ▪ The fish stocks had been depleted before the officials took the necessary measures to prevent future overfishing.
             ▪ Until the hurricane hit the country’s east coast, the people of the affected states had never considered their vulnerability to this
               natural disaster.
             ▪ By the time the fire brigade reached the scene, most of the fire victims had managed to escape, despite the thick smoke and falling
        ▶  “No sooner ... than” ve “hardly / barely / scarcely ... when”, “as soon as” ile aynı anlamı veren kalıplardır.
             ▪ The police officers had no sooner made a move to get off the train and investigate than the doors closed, and the train pulled away
               from the station.
             ▪ A ban on whaling had hardly come into force when crews of skippers, workers, and scientists began a feverish search for
               loopholes in the regulations.

        8. Usage of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
        Structure of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
        “Past Perfect Continuous Tense” de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.

                               Affirmative                     Negative                     Interrogative
         You / We / They The excavation at the site had been going on  The excavation at the site had not been going  Had  the excavation at the site been going on
          I / He / She / It before they decided to construct the bridge.  on before they decided to construct the bridge. before they decided to construct the bridge?

        Usage of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
        ▶  Geçmişte başlayıp yine geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam eden eylemler
             ▪ The clothing factory that was closed down in the recession had been running successfully since the early 1900s.
        ▶  Geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam etmiş, tamamlanmış fakat etkisi o zaman diliminde görülebilmiş eylemler
             ▪ As my sister had a eating disorder at that time, she had been eating a lot, so she was much fatter than she is now.

        Time Expressions Used in Past Perfect Continuous Tense

                for             since           how long            all              when           by the time
             ▪ How long had the company been struggling before it finally declared bankruptcy due to misguided investment strategies?
             ▪ By the time the project ended, a great number of educationalists had been actively participating in the process.
             ▪ Because the students had been sitting for their social sciences exams all morning, their backsides ached.
        Past Perfect Tense or Past Perfect Continuous Tense
        ⃣    Geçmişte belli bir noktada olmuş olaylardan söz ederken, daha geçmişte olmuş eylemi ifade etmek için “Past Perfect Tense”
            kullanılırken; geçmişte belirli bir ana kadar devam eden eylemleri ifade etmek için “Past Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılır.
             ▪ Before the students decided on their thesis topic, they had made some thorough research in the literature.
              ▪ The city council had been planning a referendum on the issue of water privatisation for almost two months when it announced
                that the vote would be delayed until May.
        ⃣   Geçmişte belirli bir zaman diliminden önce tamamlanmış eylemlerin sonucuna vurgu yapmak için “Past Perfect Tense” kullanılırken;
            geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam etmiş, tamamlanmış eylemlerin sürecine vurgu yapmak için “Past Perfect Continuous Tense”
             ▪ Authorities realised that the imbalance in supply and demand had caused the prices to fluctuate tremendously.
             ▪ By the time the company came to the forefront of the Artificial Intelligence software field, it had been fighting for market share
                against other competitors for several years.

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