Page 79 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 79

Exercises - Modal Verbs

        F) Read the sentences considering the underlined words, and then rewrite the sentences using the words in

           1. It was impossible for dinosaurs to survive the catastrophic extinction. (able to)

           2. Could you drive me to the city centre? (mind)


           3. It was impossible for him to steal the money. (can’t)


           4. I do not doubt that they’ve arrived by now. (must)


           5. It is necessary for a cat’s owner to clean the cat’s litter tray at least twice a week. (must)


           6. It is possible that she was taking a shower when you rang her. (may)


           7. You can’t keep books from the library for longer than a month. (be allowed to)


           8. It’s not necessary for you to book a table ahead of time. (needn’t)


           9. It is obligatory for students to turn their smartphones off before the exam starts. (have to)


           10. There is no requirement for her to pay with cash. (doesn’t have to)


           11. Why don’t we put the past behind us and try to get along? (shall we)


           12. Should we take a summer vacation someplace tranquil? (how about)

           13. In my country, people usually prefer tea to coffee for breakfast. (would rather)

           14. We need to eat the meat and similar things as soon as we take them out of the freezer. (must)


           15. It was unnecessary for them to worry about the exam as it was not hard enough. (needn’t have)


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