Page 81 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 81

Fast Track to YDT - Modal Verbs (1)

        9. Sometimes raising a child ---- a difficult and troublesome   13. We ---- the living space of Caretta Carettas, so people ----
          process;  therefore,  what  parents  ----  is  to  be  patient  and   bonfires on the beaches they nest and enter there with
          conscious.                                              ATVs and off-road cars.

            A)  used to be / should be doing                       A)  need to respect / should not be lighting
            B)  could have been / dare do                          B)  can respect / mustn’t light
            C)  had to be / ought to have done                     C)  have to respect / would not have lit
            D)  would be / have to do                              D)  must respect / are not allowed to light

            E)  can be / need to do                                E)  should have respected / can’t light

        10. Calcium is a mineral that is vital for humans; however, it   14. When we consider the latest advancements, we ---- on an
           ---- through food since the human body ---- calcium on its   age that ---- unbelievable changes in space exploration
           own.                                                   history, such as space tourism and living on other planets.
            A)  should have been taken / mustn’t produce           A)  must have embarked / can witness

            B)  have to be taken / was not able to produce         B)  are about to embark / will witness
            C)  can be taken / needn’t produce                     C)  are likely to embark / may be witnessing
            D)  must be taken / cannot produce                     D)  should be embarking / could have witnessed
            E)  might be taken / would not produce                 E)  have to embark / would witness

        11. The human mind ---- the meaning of a word from context,   15. Scientists ---- why whales sometimes wash ashore, but
           so you ---- every unfamiliar word while reading in English.  they ---- at the head of injured or distressed fellows.
            A)  is likely to infer / must not translate            A)  should not explain / are supposed to gather
            B)  can infer / do not need to translate               B)  may not be explaining / might have gathered

            C)  is able to infer / may not be translating          C)  can’t explain / may have gathered
            D)  could have inferred / should not translate         D)  needn’t explain / should have gathered
            E)  may be inferring / could not have translated       E)  can’t have explained / would be gathering

        12. Computing professionals ---- intellectual property,   16. Although the first full writing systems, such as cuneiform
           meaning they ---- credit for others’ ideas or effort, even if it   and  hieroglyph,  ----  nearby  regions  and  at  close  dates,
           is not explicitly protected by copyright, patent, etc.  scientists ---- any evidence of any links between these
                                                                  systems, each possessing unique qualities.
            A)  can preserve / should not have taken
                                                                   A)  must be invented / are not able to see
            B)  should have preserved / cannot take
                                                                   B)  may have been invented / do not have to see
            C)  might be preserving / do not have to take
                                                                   C)  should be invented / would not have seen
            D)  are supposed to preserve / needn’t take
                                                                   D)  could have been invented / cannot see
            E)  must preserve / must not take
                                                                   E)  can’t have been invented / needn’t have seen

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