Page 76 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 76

Exercises - Modal Verbs

        A) Circle the correct option.

           1. The majority of birds can / should fly; however, penguins are unable to / are likely to do so.

           2. Could / Would you mind opening the window since it is becoming really warm in here?

           3. Would you mind moving / if I moved aside? I can’t pass.

           4. Why don’t you / How about picking a more casual outfit for the birthday party?

           5. If you happen to / dare see my missing sunglasses, please let me know.

           6. Defne would rather / would prefer drink coffee than tea in the morning, especially during breakfast.

           7. It was a challenging game, but our team was able to / could win the match.

           8. Honesty and diligence should / might be a person’s eternal mates.

           9. Different people might / had better interpret events differently.

           10. Children needn’t / are not allowed to swim without being watched by an adult.

        B) Fill in the blanks with the suitable modal verbs given in the boxes below..

                could                 may            be not allowed to        need to              mustn’t

           1. If the government does not take action to address the drought, the city _______________face a water crisis within
             the next decade.

           2. Scientists _______________ put in more effort than ever before to develop an effective therapy for dementia.

           3. In the not-too-distant future, people _______________be driving flying vehicles.

           4. Details of the project are not to be revealed. You _______________inform anybody else.

           5. When you are under the influence of certain medications, you _______________drive.

              will have to           can’t             would rather            may                 have to

           6. Certain parts of Earth _______________become uninhabitable as a result of climate change.

           7. Students are required to dress in accordance with the dress code of the school. In other words, kids _______________

             wear the appropriate school uniform.

           8. If you plan on getting a degree in medicine at college, you _______________read a lot of books.

           9. The distance between her house and her office is far. Therefore, she _______________live in a more convenient


           10. Without a current and valid driver’s license, a person _______________ drive a vehicle.

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