Page 73 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 73

Topic Summary - Modal Verbs

        Geçmişte zorunluluğun olmadığı durumlardan bahsedilirken “didn’t have to” veya “didn’t need to”  kullanılır.
           ▪ I did not have to go to the bank because I had enough money with me.
           ▪ Since the company sent text messages to the members, we did not need to send invitations to them individually.

        9. Modals Used For Prohibition ( Mustn’t / Can’t / Be not Allowed to)

        Bu yapılar bir şeyi yapmanın yasak olduğu ifade edilirken kullanır.
           ▪ Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones at school.
           ▪ You mustn’t fly a drone over this military zone without getting permission from the authorities.

        10. Modals Used For Habitual Past (Used to / Would)

                                        Affirmative                 Negative                  Interrogative
            I / You / We / They   People used to eat live in   People did not use to live in   Did people use to live in

               He / She / It     detached houses in the past.  multi-storey buildings in the past.  detached houses in the past?

        Geçmişteki alışkanlıklar ifade edilirken “used to” ve “would” kullanılır. Eylem bildiren fiillerle her ikisi de kullanılırken, durum
        bildiren (stative verb) fiillerle sadece “used to” kullanılır.
           ▪ Before the invention of the Internet, people used to / would send each other letters to keep in touch.
           ▪ Not everyone used to / would know what was happening around the world prior to the spread of mass media.

        “Be used to” bir şeye alışkın olmak ve “get used to” da bir şeye zamanla alışmak anlamıyla tüm zamanlara çekimlenerek
        kullanılabilir. “Be used to” ve “get used to”dan sonra fiil gerund haliyle, yani –ing takısı eklenerek kullanılır.
           ▪ Those who are used to reading the news online rarely buy newspapers.
           ▪ My wife was not used to using chopsticks, so she had a difficulty in tasting Chinese traditional foods.

        11. Modals Used For Deduction (Must / May / Might / Could)

        Emin olunan ya da kuvvetli bir kanıtın var olduğu durumlarla ilgili çıkarımda bulunurken olumlu cümlelerde “must”; olumsuz
        cümlelerde ise “cannot / couldn’t” kullanılır.
           ▪ Look at the ambulance in front of the building! Someone must need immediate medical help.
           ▪ Your symptoms suggest that your illness can’t / couldn’t be psychological.

        “May / might / could” bir duruma dair ihtimallerden birini ifade ederken kullanılır.

           ▪ A: I don’t understand why mosquitoes bite me, not my husband, all the time.
             B: It may / might / could be because of your blood type.

        12. Modals Used For Expectation (Should / Be Supposed to / Be to / Be Due to / Be Expected to / Be About to)

        “Be supposed to / be to / be due to” yapıları planlanmış ve gerçekleşmesi beklenen olayları ifade etmek için kullanılır.
           ▪ The United Nations delegations are to meet for an annual meeting in New York on Friday.
           ▪ The newly-elected president is due to give an inaugural speech within a few hours.

        “ Be supposed to / be to” yapılarını yasalar veya kurallar nedeniyle yapılması beklenen işleri anlattığımız durumlar için de kullanırız.
           ▪ Students who want to have the certificate are to attend at least eighty per cent of the courses.
           ▪ Applicants are supposed to hand in their forms to the office within 15 days.

        “Be about to” yapısı bir şeyi yapmak üzere olmak anlamında kullanılır.

        ▪ The plane is about to take off, so fasten your seat belt, please.
        ▪ The author was about to publish his new novel when he suddenly died of a heart attack.

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