Page 71 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 71

Topic Summary - Modal Verbs

        4. Modals Used For Request (Should / Ought to / Had better )
        Usages of “ Should, Ought to, Had Better ”
        Bir konuda tavsiye verirken “should, ought to, had better” yapıları kullanılır.

           ▪ What should people do firstly in case of an emergency?
           ▪ Governments should provide their citizens with the best health services.

        Güçlü tavsiye vermek için “had better” yapısı kullanılır. “Yaparsan iyi olur; yapmazsan sonucu negatif olabilir.” gibi bir anlama
        sahiptir. Bu nedenle de cümlenin devamında “or”, “or else” veya “otherwise” bağlaçlarına çok sık rastlanılır.
        Cümleye “should’’ ve ‘‘ought to”dan daha güçlü bir tavsiye anlamı vermek için “must” da kullanılabilir.

           ▪ You had better fasten your seatbelt; otherwise, you may get injured in case of an accident.
           ▪Scientists must work harder than ever to find an appropriate treatment for the contagious disease.

        5. Modals Used For Suggestions & Offers (Let’s / Shall We...? / Why Don’t We...? / We Could...  / We
          May as well... / We Might as well... / What about... ? / How about...? )
        Structure of “Let’s... / Shall We…? / Why Don’t We…? / We Could… / We May as well… / We Might as well…
        What About… / How About…?”
                          Shall we
                          We could            move on with the next questions.        That’s a good idea.
                       We may as well                                                      Why not?
                      We might as well
                                                                                        It sounds great.
                        Why don’t we          move on with the next questions?          I’m sorry I can’t.
                                                                                   I don’t think It is a good idea.
                         How about
                                              moving on with the next questions?
                         What about
        Usages of “Let’s..., Shall We...?, Why Don’t We...?,  We Could..., We May as well..., We Might as well..., What
        About...?, How About...? ”
        Bu yapılar öneride bulunurken kullanılır.
           ▪ Let’s talk about the positive results of the recent scientific study.
           ▪ We could buy a cheaper house if we want to go on holiday in summers.
        “What about” ve “how about” yapılarından sonra fiile “-ing” takısı eklenir.
           ▪ What about meeting on every Saturday in order to play tennis?
           ▪ How about calling our grandparents beforehand instead of visiting the hospital immediately?
        “We may as well” ve “we might as well” yapıları “yapalım bari” anlamına gelir ve biraz gönülsüz önerilerde kullanılır.
           ▪ I see that you did not like my favourite dish, we may as well cook something else for you.
           ▪ Tim does not answer my calls although he is guilty, we might as well call him for the last time.

        6. Modals Used For Preferences (Prefer / Would Prefer / Would Rather / Would Sooner)
        Structure  of “Prefer / Would Prefer / Would Rather / Would Sooner”

                             noun to noun               I prefer books to films.
             Prefer +        V  to V                    I prefer reading books to watching films.
                              ing  ing
                             to V  rather than V        I prefer to read books rather than watch films.
                                1          1
                             to V                       I would prefer to read books.
             Would prefer +  to V  rather than V        I would prefer to read books rather than watch films.
                                1          1
                             to have V  rather than have V  I would prefer to have read books rather than have watched films.
                                    3               3

             Would rather +
                             V  rather than V           I would rather / sooner read books rather than watch films.
             Would sooner+    1          1

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