P. 121


            4   E

                                                               A)  The boom in the sales of vitamin supplements
                                                                is a direct result of the pressure which we are
                                                                put under to lead healthier lives.

               A)  In order to understand and improve the    B)  We tend to use more and more vitamin
                 learning process, teachers use modelling,      supplements, which is the direct result of the
                 where they watch students’ behaviours and      pressure we are put under in order to lead
                 accomplishments to understand how they learn   healthier lives.
                 and what factors are helpful.
                                                             C)  The boom in the sales of vitamin supplements
               B)  Teachers use modelling, where they observe   can be attributed to the societal pressure to
                 students’ behaviours and accomplishments to    lead a healthier lifestyle.
                 understand how they learn and what aspects
                 are useful, in order to better understand and   D)  The increasing demand for vitamin
                 enhance the learning process.                  supplements is a consequence of the direct
                                                                pressure to lead a healthier life.
               C)  Teachers try to understand how students learn
                 and which factors are effective in their learning   E)  The reason behind the boom in the sales of
                 processes by monitoring students’ behaviour    vitamin supplements is that people are put
                 and performance thanks to modelling,           under the pressure to lead healthier lives.
                 which is used as one of the best methods of
                 understanding and improving the learning
                 process in education.

               D)  Thanks to modelling, which is used as a
                 method to understand and improve the
                 learning process in education, teachers try
                 to understand how students learn and which
                 factors are effective in learning processes
                 by monitoring students’ behaviour and

               E)  Thanks to modelling, which is used as one
                 of the best methods of understanding and
                 improving the learning process in education,
                 teachers try to understand how students learn
                 and which factors are effective in their learning
                 processes by monitoring students’ behaviour
                 and performance.

                                                       120                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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