P. 119
- T
A) A goal-oriented approach, which is about
N G achieving specific outcomes, cultivates a sense
of purpose and fulfilment in one’s life.
B) A goal-oriented approach is not just about
achieving specific outcomes but also about
cultivating a sense of purpose and fulfilment in
e at Nur G te o su ess u e ds one’s life.
literary richness, social criticism, and profound
reflection by intricately addressing human C) Achieving specific outcomes is not only about
psychology, social structure, and historical a goal-oriented approach but also about
transformations in his works is an important cultivating a sense of purpose and fulfilment in
novelist, playwright, and thinker in Turkish one’s life.
D) Cultivating a sense of purpose and fulfilment
B e at Nur G te re o ed as a in one’s life only depends on having a goal-
important novelist, playwright, and thinker oriented approach that leads to specific
in Turkish literature, skillfully blends literary outcomes.
richness, social criticism, and profound reflection
by intricately addressing human psychology, E) While a goal-oriented approach is about
social structure, and historical transformations in achieving specific outcomes, it is also more
his works. about cultivating a sense of purpose and
fulfilment in one’s life.
e at Nur G te s o s dered as a
important novelist, playwright, and thinker who
skillfully blends literary richness, social criticism,
and profound reflection by intricately addressing
human psychology, social structure, and
historical transformations in his works.
D e at Nur G te tr ate addressed
human psychology, social structure, and
historical transformations in his works and
gained a reputation of being an important
novelist, playwright, and thinker in Turkish
E) Skillfully blended literary richness, social
criticism, and profound reflection through
addressing human psychology, social structure,
a d stor a tra s or at o s ade e at Nur
G te re o ed as a orta t ove st
playwright, and thinker in Turkish literature.
118 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı