P. 115


                E                                             63.



                                                              A)  Bird migration is a crucial natural phenomenon
                                                                   that plays a vital role in the maintenance of

                                                                global biodiversity.
               A)  Effective essays require careful attention to
                 structure, style, and grammar, as well as a   B)  Many migratory species face threats such as
                 clear understanding of the topic and audience.  habitat loss, climate change, and hunting along
                                                                their flyways.
               B)  Essay writing has nothing to do with opening
                 up educational opportunities for personal and   C)  Bird migration also provides ecological
                 professional growth.                           benefits, such as the transfer of energy and
                                                                nutrients across different ecosystems.
               C)  However, it is essential for anyone who
                 wishes to succeed in today’s fast-paced and   D)  Migration is also a survival strategy for many
                 competitive world to hone their essay-writing   bird species, allowing them to escape harsh
                 skills.                                        winter conditions and avoid predators.

               D)  Effective essay writing is a prerequisite for   E)  Birds must migrate annually to maintain the
                 success in many areas of life, from winning    genetic diversity of bird populations and
                 scholarships to landing high-paying jobs and   regulate insect populations.
                 advancing in one’s career.

               E)  Moreover, essay writing allows you to
                 develop critical thinking and analytical skills
                 as it requires you to research, evaluate,
                 and synthesise information from a variety of

                                                       114                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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