P. 111
4 -
say: ----
say: ---- A) I just want to say how sorry I am about the
restaurant. I know I really hyped it up, and it
A) The weather reports are always wrong, so don’t turned out to be a let-down.
worry about checking them.
B) I’m sorry about everything that happened
B) Don’t pack extra clothes, they’ll weigh you tonight. I know you were really looking forward
down on your hike and limit your mobility.
to it, and it didn’t turn out how we hoped.
C) Make sure to pack rain gear and check the C) I wanted to talk to you about what happened at
weather report frequently during your trip.
the restaurant. I know things didn’t go as you
planned, and I feel like I let you down.
D) It’s just a little rain, you don’t need to be overly
prepared for every possibility.
D) I thought the food and the place were great, so
I don’t see why you’re upset; it’s not my fault
E) Relax and enjoy nature without obsessing over
the weather; embrace the moment. you didn’t enjoy the restaurant.
E) I know you want me to apologise, but you
should have done your own research before
agreeing to go; it’s not my responsibility to plan
110 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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