P. 109


                 -                                              S

               A)  In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen, a German scientist,
                 tried to develop X-rays, including some images,   A)  Unless films use special effects, they will lack
                 to find out about illnesses.                   breathtaking scenes, so it will not be possible
                                                                to grab the attention and imagination of the
               B)  German scientist Wilhelm Röntgen put a lot of   viewers.
                 effort into producing X-rays, the images used to
                 identify illnesses, in the year 1895.       B)  Adding special effects to films usually helps not
                                                                only to produce visually beautiful scenes but
               C)  German scientist Wilhelm Röntgen invented    also to catch the attention and imagination of
                 X-rays, the images that are used to diagnose   the audience.
                 diseases, in 1895.
                                                             C)  By using special effects that create visually
               D)  In order to diagnose illnesses, the images   stunning scenes, filmmakers may capture the
                 created by X-rays were improved by a German    attention and imagination of their audience.
                 scientist named Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895.
                                                             D)  Even if special effects creating visually
               E)  The invention of X-rays used for disease     breathtaking scenes are not used in films, they
                 diagnosis made German scientist Wilhelm        seize the audience’s attention and imagination.
                 Röntgen quite renowned in 1895.
                                                             E)  In order to produce visually impressive scenes
                                                                that catch the attention and imagination of the
                                                                viewers, special effects are frequently used in

                                                       108                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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