P. 110
A) In spite of its meaningful contribution to world A) No matter how careful you are with your body
history and culture, the Silk Road is no longer language, you can still reveal your genuine
in use today. intentions by remaining silent.
B) The Silk Road is no longer functional at present B) Even when you are silent, if you are not mindful
due to its ongoing impact on world history and of your own body language, it can frequently
culture. reveal your genuine intentions.
C) The Silk Road, which is no longer in use, C) You do not need to say anything if you are
continues to preserve its importance in world mindful of your own body language because
history and culture today. your genuine intentions are often exposed.
D) The historical and cultural importance of D) Given that your body reveals your genuine
the Silk Road is still recognised at present, intentions, it is important to remain silent when
although it is no longer in use. you are aware of your own body language.
E) Regardless of how important the Silk Road was E) Your genuine intentions can be exposed only
in world history and culture, it is no longer in use. if you are aware of your own body language
while you are saying something.
109 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı