P. 112


                                                                  A)  Enough is enough! Don’t you see it’s becoming
                                                                difficult for me to always say yes? I’m going
               A)  I am aware of your current situation. If you’re   to complain to the teachers about your
                 not happy, you should just quit. Life’s too short   irresponsible behaviour.
                 to waste time on a job you don’t like.
                                                             B)  First, go and find another friend who will deal
               B)  Have you considered asking your manager      with you. Then, start to write a book about the
                 if there are any chances for you to assume     science of laziness!
                 greater responsibility? I’m sure this will help
                 you make a decision.                        C)  I appreciate your trust in my abilities, but I’ll
                                                                keep helping you as long as you explain to me
               C)  I think you should focus more on the positives   why you always feel lazy and unmotivated.
                 of your job and not worry about the salary.
                 At least, you have a stable income and job   D)  I’m willing to help you with advice and
                 security.                                      suggestions. How about working together and
                                                                supporting each other in completing our own
               D)  Since I can see your lack of happiness, I will   projects?
                 recommend a different position that might be
                 ideal for you. You should apply for it instead of   E)  I’m sorry, but I can’t keep doing your work. I
                 staying where you are.                         have my own work to do, and it’s not fair to
                                                                expect me to do yours as well.
               E)  I understand that you’re feeling frustrated
                 with your job right now, but I think you should
                 consider your job’s advantages before making
                 any big decisions.

                                                       111                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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