P. 120
A) The law of gravity is used in practical fields
such as civil and structural engineering as it is A) Because of the diverse and complicated
important to ensure the safety of buildings and nature of the human self, which is at the centre
structures by calculating forces and stresses. of philosophy, philosophy has developed
a wide range of theories, approaches, and
B) Unless the law of gravity was used in practical philosophical systems to understand the
fields such as civil and structural engineering, human self.
calculating forces and stresses to ensure the
safety of the structures would not be possible. B) Since the human self, which is at the centre of
philosophy, has a multifaceted and complex
C) Due to the law of gravity, it is important to structure, philosophy deals with this structure
calculate forces and stresses to ensure the in different dimensions by developing a wide
safety of buildings and structures in practical variety of theories, methods, and philosophical
fields such as civil and structural engineering. systems to understand the human self.
D) While the law of gravity is used in practical C) The human self, which is at the core of
fields such as civil and structural engineering, it philosophy, is diverse and complex, leading
is important to calculate forces and stresses to to the development of a vast variety of ideas,
ensure the safety of buildings and structures. methods, and philosophical systems in
philosophy to understand the human self.
E) The law of gravity is used in practical fields
such as civil and structural engineering D) Because the human self, which is at the
because it is important to calculate forces and centre of philosophy, is diverse and complex,
stresses to ensure the safety of buildings and philosophy has developed a wide range of
structures. concepts, procedures, and philosophical
frameworks to comprehend the human self.
E) The human self, as a numerous and complex
structure, is at the centre of philosophy,
and that’s why philosophy has developed a
broad spectrum of theories, approaches, and
philosophical systems to comprehend it.
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