P. 255





                                                             A)  I think we should order some takeout as a
                                                       S         backup plan.
                                                             B)  I heard that burned food is the new trend in
               A)  Let’s stay home instead. It seems like we’re all   gourmet cooking!
                 too divided on where to go, so why not spend
                 the time doing things around town or having fun   C)  I’m sorry, but perhaps we should stick to your
                 in our own backyard?                           tried-and-true recipes next time.

               B)  Let’s flip a coin to decide which trip we’ll take,   D)  This may not have turned out as planned, but I
                 and then we can organise everything else       can’t wait to see what other dishes you’ll come
                 around that option.                            up with next time.

               C)  Mum, why don’t we go on two separate      E)  I appreciate that you made this for me, but it’s
                 vacations? Dad and I can go camping for a few   overcooked. Maybe next time we’ll try it with a
                 days while you relax at the beach.             shorter cooking time.

               D)  Why not combine the two on a trip? We can
                 spend the first few days at the beach before
                 heading to the mountains to camp.

               E)  Dad, I guess I’ll vote for my mother’s plan this
                 time. Why don’t we spend this vacation basking
                 in the sun and swimming in blue waters?

                                                       254                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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