P. 253
A) Societies have evolved to embrace more A) Some people doubt the fact that Agatha
egalitarian forms of administration in the Christie is the best in her genre and hard to
contemporary world, despite the hierarchical compete with for having the talent of creating
system of feudalism with its rigid social complicated crime scenes that have the power
structure and strict obligations. of arousing interest.
B) As the rigid social structure and strict B) It is a fact that Agatha Christie’s unrivalled
obligations of the hierarchical system of ability to write complex murder mysteries that
feudalism are hardly ever practised, societies keep readers on the edge of their seats is
have grown to embrace more democratic forms undoubtedly impossible to compete with.
of governance in current times.
C) It is possible for others to create as complex
C) As a result of the hierarchical system of murder mysteries as Agatha Christie, who has
feudalism with its inflexible social structure and an unparalleled talent to keep readers on the
strict obligations, societies have developed edge of their seats.
themselves to embrace more equal forms of
governance in modern times. D) There’s no denying that other authors come
close to Agatha Christie’s unrivalled skill at
D) Due to the rigid social structure and strict writing complex murder mysteries that can
obligations of the hierarchical system of have readers on the edge of their seats.
feudalism, societies preferred progressing to
embrace more democratic forms of governance E) It is not clear that other authors scarcely stand
in modern times. out from Agatha Christie due to her undeniable
skill in creating sophisticated murder mysteries
E) Since societies have developed to accept that can have readers on the edge of their
more egalitarian forms of administration, the seats.
hierarchical system of feudalism, with its rigid
social structure and stringent obligations, is
hardly ever practised in current times.
252 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı