P. 254
T 53. -
A) Researchers have been fascinated by the A) Descartes’ philosophy was built upon radical
Dragon Hole, the world’s deepest blue hole scepticism, strictly based on the act of thinking
in the South China Sea, and its rare features, expressed in the statement “Cogito, ergo sum”.
yet its huge depths and strong currents create
major challenges. B) Descartes, who firmly believed in doubting
everything and starting from a position of
B) Located in the South China Sea, the world’s radical scepticism, is famous for saying
deepest blue hole, the Dragon Hole, has “Cogito, ergo sum”.
challenged researchers with its enormous
depths and strong currents, fascinating them C) Descartes so firmly believed in doubting
with its unique features. everything and beginning from a position of
radical scepticism that he made his well-known
C) Although The Dragon Hole, the world’s deepest philosophical statement, “Cogito, ergo sum”.
blue hole in the South China Sea, poses
significant challenges, it fascinates researchers D) As Descartes strongly believed in doubting
with its extreme depths and strong currents. everything and starting from a position of
radical scepticism, he made his well-known
D) The South China Sea’s Dragon Hole has long philosophical statement “Cogito, ergo sum”.
captivated scientists’ attention with its unique
features as the deepest blue hole in the world, E) Descartes’ philosophy was built upon radical
despite its dangerous depths and powerful scepticism and the affirmation that one’s
currents. existence is certain based on the act of
thinking, as he stated: “Cogito, ergo sum”.
E) The South China Sea’s Dragon Hole, the
world’s deepest blue hole, has fascinated
researchers with its unusual characteristics
while challenging them with its huge depths
and strong currents.
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