P. 294
S 00 1 000 00 000
A) Young people, by utilising the opportunities
provided by technology, have great potential to
se e t e o ortu t es a d e o e o eers A) Researchers demonstrated the fact that
the field of innovation. Teotihuacan, the largest city in the world
by around 500 CE, reached a population of
B) With the opportunities provided by technology, 125.000 to 200.000, and it was located in the
young people may have the potential to launch northeast of Mexico City eight centuries before
digital ventures and become pioneers in the t e r se o t e te re.
field of innovation.
B) It was conveyed by researchers that
C) With the opportunities presented by technology, Teot ua a s o 8 ort east o
young people have the potential to start digital Mexico City, was one of the largest cities eight
initiatives to become pioneers in the field of e tur es e ore t e r se o t e te re
innovation. reaching a population of 125.000 to 200.000
eight centuries by around 500 CE.
D) The potential of young people to become
pioneers in innovation and launch digital C) According to researchers, Teotihuacan, located
enterprises is significant, thanks to the 8 ort east o e o t as o e o t e
opportunities offered by technology. largest cities in the world before the rise of the
te re a d ts o u at o as et ee
E) Young people possess the potential embracing 125.000 and 200.000 by around 500 CE.
the opportunities of technology to initiate digital
ventures so that they become pioneers in the D) Researchers conveyed that eight centuries
field of innovation. e ore t e r se o t e te re
Teot ua a o ated 8 ort east o
Mexico City, was one of the largest cities in the
world, and it reached a population of 125.000
to 200.000 by around 500 CE.
esear as de o strated t at o ated 8
northeast of Mexico City, Teotihuacan was the
largest city in the world eight centuries before
t e r se o t e te re a d 00 t
reached a population of 125.000 to 200.000.
293 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı