P. 296


            0        ua  e  İ    e  ı  s de od    o   u e  or
               tablets—one of the earliest known writing
               systems—was a groundbreaking achievement
               in archaeology and linguistics.      She unlocked
               vital historical and cultural data about prehistoric
               Sumerians through her expertise in the Sumerian
               language and understanding of the complicated
               cuneiform script.       Her study included texts such
               as myths, legal documents, and administrative
               records, as well as grammar and vocabulary.
                      e stud ed at İsta  u     vers t     ere s e
               obtained a degree in Archaeology and History.
                   Through her contributions, she greatly enriched
               t e  e d o   u ero o   a d  rov ded a dee er
               understanding of one of the world’s earliest
                 v    at o s.
               A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

                                                       295                                    TEST BİTTİ.
                                                                             CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.
                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
   291   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299   300   301