P. 33


            1                                                         S

                      a  ove    e use  ore des r  t ve a d
                  arrat ve  arrat o       e    a  art   e   e use   A)  The drought during the autumn and winter
                 more explanatory narration.                    seasons in the southwestern provinces has led
                                                                to a significant decrease in the water level of
               B)  While more descriptive and narrative narration   the dams compared to last year.
                  s used    a  ove    ore e   a ator   arrat o
                 is used in an article.                      B)  When the southwestern provinces endured a
                                                                dr  autu   a d    ter seaso   t e  ater  eve
               C)  A more descriptive and narrative style of    in many dams dropped dramatically compared
                  arrat o   s used    a  ove  t a     a  art   e    to last year.
                 which is narrated in a more explanatory style.
                                                             C)  The water level in most of the dams in the
               D      a  ove   t e  arrat o   s  ore des r  t ve a d   southwest provinces has drastically dropped
                  arrat ve    ereas    a  art   e  t e  arrat o   s   from last year due to the dry autumn and
                 more explanatory.                              winter.

               E)  The narration in a novel is more descriptive and   D)   o  ared to  rev ous  ears  t e  ater  eve
                  arrat ve    ereas t e  arrat o     a  art   e  s   in the dams has declined dramatically in the
                 more explanatory.                              southwestern provinces because the autumn
                                                                and winter seasons were dry.

                                                             E)  The water level in most of the dams in the
                                                                sout  ester   rov   es    ere t e autu
                                                                a d    ter seaso s  ere dr    as de reased
                                                                significantly in comparison to last year.

                                                       32                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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