P. 34


                                                          74.  Kültür

                                                             A)  The emotional state that a person experiences
               A)  What do we not do to spend our days as       when learning to live in a different culture is a
                 quickly as possible although we all complain   result of what may be termed culture shock.
                 about our longevity?
                                                             B)  The phrase culture shock refers to the range of
               B    e a    ra se t e s ort ess o  our   ves   ut   changing emotions one may feel while adapting
                 what do we not do to spend what we call a      to a new culture.
                 day as quickly as possible and without even
                 realising it?                               C)  Culture shock is a psychological term used
                                                                to define the emotional state of people who
               C)  What do we do to spend a day as fast as      experience difficulty when learning to live in a
                 possible and without realising the fact that we   different culture.
                 all complain about the shortness of our lives?
                                                             D     e   eo  e  ear  to   ve    a d   ere t  u ture
               D    e a    o   a   a out t e durat o  o  our   ves    they experience a lot of difficulties and this is
                 but what do we do to spend a day as quickly as   called culture shock.
                 possible and without even realising it?
                                                             E)  Culture shock is a term used to define the
               E)  We all complain about the shortness of our   emotional state that a person experiences
                   ves   ut   at do  e  ot do to s e d   at  e   while learning to live in a different culture.
                 call a day as quickly as possible and without
                 realising it?

                                                       33                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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