P. 35



               A)  Admitting your own mistakes is a form of
                  o stru t ve  r t   s    ut  o o e  ares   76.  (I) T e so  a  ed   o art    e t    a  s t at
                                                             children who are exposed to classical music at a
               B)  Admitting your own mistakes is actually a kind   young age develop more intelligence. (II)   tua
                 o   r t  a   eed a     ut  o o e u dersta ds   t e   a  s are u  ou ded   et t ere  s  o dou t
                                                             t at   ass  a   us    s sou   a     . (III) Your
                                                                 dre   a   ot  e o e  us  a   rod   es   ut
               C)  Admitting your own mistakes is actually a form
                 o   o stru t ve  r t   s   eve  t ou    o o e   exposing them to songs and nursery rhymes at
                 realises it!                                an early age can help them develop a sense of
                                                             rhythm and language and inspire them to enjoy the
                                                             beauty of music as they mature.        v ous
               D)  Admitting your own mistakes is actually a
                    d o   o stru t ve  r t   s    ut  o o e   there are costs and commitments involved with
                 understands that!                           teaching a child a musical instrument.       so
                                                             the children who learn to play musical instruments
               E)  Admitting your own mistakes is actually a   are often more successful and have higher exam
                    d o  destru t ve  r t   s  a d  urt er ore    scores in school.
                 everybody knows it.
                                                             A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

                                                          77.  (I) The ISS (International Space Station) is a
                                                              u e s a e ra t        as  ee  o    a    or  t
                                                             the Earth for more than twenty years. (II) This
                                                             gigantic structure serves as a microgravity and
                                                             space environment research laboratory in which
                                                             s  e t    e  er  e ts are  o du ted    astro o
                                                                s  s  a d   o o  . (III) Astronauts go through
                                                             intensive training to cope with potential future crisis
                                                             because things can go seriously wrong in space.
                                                                    ot er  ro   e t  e d o  stud  o  t e      s
                                                             medical research which enhances the knowledge
                                                             a out t e e  e ts o   o   ter  s a e e  osure
                                                             on the human body.     Subjects currently under
                                                             stud      ude  us  e atro      o e  oss  a d  u d

                                                             A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

                                                       34                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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