P. 40


                    - 2
                                                             A)  so that         B)  yet

                                                                          C)  as if  D)  furthermore
               A polyglot is a person who speaks or
               understands multiple languages. The term                  E)  once
               ‘polyglot’ (16)---- the Greek words polys,
               meaning ‘many,’ and glotta, meaning ‘tongue’ or
                 a  ua e.    t ou    o    ots s ea   our to  ve
               languages on average, some can speak up to
               ten or more languages (17)----  ease. The exact
               number of polyglots in the world is unknown,   19.
               (18)----  it is estimated that only 3% of the world’s   A)  until  B)  since
               population can speak at least four languages
                ue t  .  or so e  o    ots   a  ua e  ear       C)  unless       D)  whereas
               often comes naturally, (19)---- others put a lot
               of time and effort into it. Research has shown            E)  thus
               that speaking multiple languages can provide
               s      a t  o   t ve  so  a   a d  u tura   e e ts
               as well as enhanced job opportunities,  2  ----
               polyglots highly valued in the global community.

                                                             A)  making          B)  made

           16.                                               C)  being made      D)  to make
               A)  sets up         B)  looks into                        E)  to have made

               C)  comes across    D)  drives from

                          E)  clears out


               A)  upon            B)  for

               C)  through         D) of

                          E)  with

                                                       39                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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