P. 42


           2    E                                            27.  N
                                                             A)  they are never worth reading if they do not
               A)  the team failed to overcome these obstacles   contain valuable insights, perspectives, and
                 and deliver a successful outcome               information on a particular subject

               B)  the company recognized the impact that poor   B)  they usually provide valuable insights, deepen
                 communication had on the project               our understanding of important subjects, and
                                                                enrich our intellectual and cultural lives
               C)  the team hardly took steps to address them in
                 future endeavors                            C)  ‘War and Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy is also
                                                                known for its length and complexity, but it is
               D)  the project was completed on schedule and    also considered one of the greatest works of
                 under budget                                   literature in history

               E)  the company delayed ensuring that its projects   D)  you can ignore the unnecessary information
                 are executed with greater efficiency and       that is added through adjective or adverb
                 effectiveness                                  clauses to get the main idea

                                                             E)  it may take more time and effort to read them
                                                                and draw connections between literature and
                                                                historical events

                             The Tortoise Trainer, ----.

               A)  he was heavily influenced by the realist
                 movement and incorporated this style into his
                 own works                                2    ----

               B)  his work depicts a young boy training tortoises   A)  Human activities have released large amounts
                 to perform tricks and is now in the Pera       of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
                  useu     İsta  u
                                                             B)  The consequences of global warming are
               C)  his most significant contribution was his work   wide-ranging and include melting glaciers
                 as t e  ou der a d   rst d re tor o  t e İsta  u
                 Archaeology Museum                          C)  Organizations and civil society groups can face
                                                                the most severe challenges of construction
               D)  his contributions to the field had a slight impact
                 on Turkish art history                      D)  The effects of global warming can be mitigated
                                                                by future generations
                    e  as  or      8      İsta  u   T r   e  a d
                 he served as an artist until his death in 1910  E)  It is certainly essential that governments
                                                                reduce greenhouse gas emissions

                                                       41                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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