P. 45
A) that is below the risky amounts won’t have
Around the world, the most common source of much of an impact
pollution is industrial pollution, which originates
directly from industry. Most businesses use B) is caused by an absence of industrial pollution
outdated technology and dump ineffective waste legislation
into waterways or on land, which has adverse
consequences. Despite certain legislation against C) has the potential to result in some severe
dustr a o ut o t ere are t e ou e e t issues that can be fatal
o tro s a e. urt er ore a s a t
number of industrial corporations do not take D) is treatable with very effective medical
the required safety measures to preserve their treatment
ro ts. Due to t ese e e t a t o s ot t e
local ecology and residents of industrial areas are E) can be triggered by a lack of knowledge about
exposed to chemicals. This exposure is hazardous industrial pollution
because it compromises clean water supplies,
which are essential for human existence, and
causes health problems like birth defects, asthma,
and other lung disorders.
A) The rate of risks brought on by industrial
---- B) Protective measures against industrial pollution
A) can only be decreased by implementing strict C) The reasons of industrial pollution by large
regulations companies
B) has dire consequences due to a lack of control D) Ethical investments by international companies
and negligence
E) The causes and risks of industrial pollution
C) can’t be prevented because it is already too late
D) is the only problem caused by big industrial
E) has some minor negative consequences
44 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı