P. 43


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                                                             A)  Spending money on others can increase
               Can money really make us happier? While a certain   happiness more than spending money on
               level of income is necessary to meet our basic   oneself.
               needs, constantly striving for more money can harm
               our happiness, especially if it comes at the expense   B)  Having more money makes people happier, but
               of relationships or other important aspects of life.   only up to a certain point.
               According to a study conducted by Kahneman and
               Deaton in 2010, based on data from a survey of   C)  The people who make more than $75,000 are
               over 450,000 Americans, happiness increased with   happier than the average person.
               an income up to an annual income of $75,000, after
               which the positive effect of money on happiness   D)  Individuals who value experiences over things
               levelled off. This suggests that beyond a certain   have a tendency to be happy.
               level of income, more money does not necessarily   E)  The sole element that can influence happiness
               lead to greater happiness. However, the study also   is money.
               found that the people who reported higher levels
               of emotional well-being tended to have higher
               incomes. In other words, money may not directly
               increase happiness, but it can indirectly contribute
               to well-being by providing access to resources that
               support emotional well-being, such as healthcare,
               education, and social support networks.
                                                             A)  To inform the readers about the complex
                                                                relationship between money and happiness

                                                             B)  To provide insight into the drawbacks of
                                                                pursuing financial success
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               A)  in order to be happy, we must struggle to make   C)  To explain how to cover basic needs in order to
                 a higher income                                be happy

               B)  happy people tend to recover more rapidly from   D)  To criticise those who highly prioritise money
                 losses and terrible experiences
                                                             E)  To persuade the readers about the importance
               C)  increasing income directly contributes to a   of emotional well-being
                 society’s overall happiness in wealthy nations

               D)  focusing solely on making more money can
                 make us unhappy

               E)  making money always involves sacrificing vital
                 elements of our lives

                                                       42                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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