P. 47



                                                             A)  The term has been around for ages; therefore,
               Are you in the habit of buying books despite having   it’s not a new phenomenon.
               plenty of unread ones, and does life seem to get in
               the way when you buy books with the sincere desire   B)  The word in print dates back to the first half of
               to read them? If this looks familiar to you, you’re   the 19th century.
               not alone. You might be suffering from tsundoku, a
               Japanese word which means leaving a book unread   C)  Some studies indicate that it is not always a
               after buying it. Etymologically speaking, the word   bad thing to have many unread books lying
               doku is used as a verb meaning ‘reading’ and the   around.
               word tsun originates from tsumu, meaning ‘to pile
               up’. If you think tsundoku is a modern phenomenon,   D)  A person suffering from this syndrome has a
               you’d be mistaken. The Japanese have been using   compulsive need to buy books.
               this term since the late 19thand early 20th centuries.

               The word is found in print as early as 1879, which   E)  If you feel like tsundoku is becoming a problem,
               means it was likely in use before that. Recently,   you can take some simple actions.
               it has been used to refer to many other forms of
                o  e t     te s a d  ot us    t e .  or   sta  e
               you may have this syndrome with board games or
               e e tro    stu  .  o      ou   d  ourse   stu     t
               many unread books and you feel guilty of tsundoku,
               you can say goodbye to such literature. You can
               donate or sell the books. On the other hand, if you
               are happy with this way of expressing love for books,   A)  How to Quit Your Tsundoku Habit
               just embrace it. Research also shows that simply
               having books nearby may reduce stress and anxiety.  B)  Is Tsundoku Curable or Not?

                                                             C)  Surround Yourself with Books

                                                             D)  Read Collect Repeat!
                                                             E)  Tsundoku- Is This You?
               A)  every book lover has to be aware of the
                 dangers of tsundoku

               B)  tsundoku refers to the phenomenon of acquiring
                 only reading materials and piling them up

               C)  tsundoku is a phenomenon which has now
                 spread beyond Japanese borders
               D)  the origin of the word tsundoku is quite difficult
                 to analyse
               E)  it’s not possible to overcome tsundoku and
                 eliminate it from your life
                                                       46                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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