P. 51


               A)  We need philosophy to develop a deeper    A)  Not only does reading and writing poetry
                 understanding of ourselves and the world       encourage students and adults to respect and
                 around us, which is why we examine             value others’ viewpoints, but it also forces them
                 fundamental questions about existence and      to leave their comfort zone by sharing.
                                                             B)  By reading and writing poetry, teens and adults
               B)  Through philosophy, we gain insights into our   will understand others’ feelings and ideas so
                 own nature and understand the nature of the    well that they easily get out of  their comfort
                 universe by asking the right questions about   zone and they enjoy every minute of sharing.
                 our existence.
                                                             C)  To read and write poetry is really helpful for
               C)  We need philosophy because it allows us      students and adults to value others’ ideas and
                 to explore fundamental issues regarding        emotions; furthermore, it helps them get out of
                 reality and existence in order to obtain an    their comfort zone.
                 understanding of both our own nature and the
                 nature of the universe.                     D)  As students and elders read and write poetry,
                                                                they easily understand others’ points of view,
               D)  Why we need philosophy lies beneath          sharing their own ideas, and they also have a
                 our understanding of the world around us       chance to leave their comfort zone.
                 by examining significant questions about
                 existence and reality.                      E)  Unless students and adults read and write
                                                                poetry, they will not appreciate others’ points of
               E)  Philosophy is our fundamental need because   view, and they cannot get out of their comfort
                 it helps us examine fundamental questions      zone without sharing.
                 about existence and reality by understanding
                 ourselves and the world around us.

                                                       50                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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