P. 54
A) Sorry to interrupt little men! Please try to lower
your volume, I can’t concentrate properly.
B) This is more than enough! I think it is time to A) Come on! You should have been pleased that
begin preparing for your test. at least you have been nominated.
C) It seems like you guys are having a blast B) If I were you, I would not raise my hopes too
but I advise you to slow down as I’m getting high.
annoyed by you.
C) Beyond doubt, you are one of the leading chefs
D) If none of you can calm down right this second, in the country and have as much chance as
I swear I’m going to kick all of you out of here! anyone else.
E) You should be respectful since you know I have D) Stop thinking that you will face a problem.
a major exam coming up and I need to study. Everything will be alright.
E) You speak truly. You will just have to wait and
see how it turns out.
53 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı