P. 56





               A)  It is crucial to use healthy cooking methods
                 while planning a diet.                      A)  The latest research reveals that the more
                                                                parents hug their children, the smarter they get.
               B)  The only way to learn how to lead a healthy life
                 is to try various types of cooking.         B)  Children, if healthy, will develop a rapid growth
                                                                of intellectual capacity.
               C)  Healthy cooking techniques are, in fact, very
                 simple to implement into daily life.        C)  Some emotionally neglected infants may be
                                                                characterised by inconsolable crying.
               D)  It might be simple to switch to a healthy lifestyle
                 by changing the typical cooking style.      D)  Infants die at an early age if proper health care
                                                                is not provided.
               E)  A minor change in ingredient selection and
                 cooking style can make a significant difference.  E)  Touching and manipulating objects with
                                                                different textures helps develop a child’s sense
                                                                of  touch.

                                                       55                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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