P. 61


                    -                        T

                                                               A)  Although people have become addicted to
                                                                technology nowadays, it’s hard to estimate what
                                                                type of effects this will have in the long run.

                                                             B)  People have become addicted to technology
               A)  While it is true that you need to practise any   nowadays, but it’s difficult to predict what kind
                 presentation in order to feel comfortable not   of effects this will have in the long term.
                 just with your subject but also about speaking
                 on it, over-preparation may not be very good.  C)  People nowadays have become dependent
                                                                on technology, but it’s not easy to forecast
               B)  Although it is true that you need to try out any   what kind of consequences this will have in the
                 presentation in order to feel comfortable not   future.
                 only with your topic, but also about speaking on
                 it, over-preparation may be too bad.        D)  Nowadays, people have become
                                                                technology-dependent, but it’s difficult to
               C)  Even if you need to practise any presentation   anticipate what types of consequences this will
                 to feel comfortable with your subject and      result in the long term.
                 presenting on it, over-preparation may not be
                 very beneficial.                            E)  People have become increasingly reliant on
                                                                technology in recent times, but it’s challenging
               D)  Over-preparation might be harmful, but you   to determine what sorts of impacts this will
                 need to practise any presentation to feel      have in the long run.
                 comfortable with your subject and speaking
                 about it.

               E)  Since it is true that you need to practise any
                 presentation in order to feel at ease speaking
                 about it, it may not be a good idea to prepare
                 too much.

                                                       60                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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