P. 64


                                                          78.  (I) Many economic obstacles that plague
                                                             underdeveloped nations frequently prevent
                                                             them from moving toward prosperity. (II) These
                                                             nations promptly need to focus on building strong
           76.  (I)   e a der t e Great  as t e  rst  e e r t     t e   institutions to have constructional stability. (III) Low
               history of the globe. (II) Not only did he want to be   productivity, high poverty rates, and constrained
               the greatest man in history, but he also desired for   access to healthcare and education are a few of
               everyone to be aware of this fact. (III) Alexander   these nations’ most urgent economic issues.
               employed historians, sculptors, and painters to        Lack of infrastructure, such as inadequate
               immortalise his narrative, and they were successful.   transit systems, subpar communication networks,
                    Yet, his accomplishments were remarkable in   and unstable power sources, frequently makes
               history.     During his lifetime, he strictly controlled   these problems worse.     Yet, there is always
               the ways in which he was depicted by these    hope for underdeveloped countries to create more
               people.                                       inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
               A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V         A) I         B) II        C) III       D) IV       E) V

           77.  (I) Mount Bromo is an active volcano in East Java   79.  (I) CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is an annual
               that last erupted in 2000. (II) According to an old   trade show that typically hosts presentations of
               legend, Princess Roro Anteng, who was blessed   new consumer electronics products, gadgets,
               by the gods with twenty-four children, was forced   and technologies. (II) CES is held annually in Las
               to sa r   e  er t e t    t      d to t e vo  a o.   Vegas, Nevada. (III) It’s been the place to see new,
               (III) Although it seems dangerous, it is one of the   world-changing technology since 1967.      There
               safest active volcanoes.      Nowadays, once a   is absolutely no question that this novel gadget
               year, local people make offerings to the mountain   will rock the world.     And this year’s CES had
                ods    toss     ood a d  o ers   to t e  out  o    plenty to see; the gadgets on display were useful,
               the volcano.     Afterwards, some people go into   futuristic, and entertaining.
               the crater to collect the presents, which are said to   A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V
               bring them good fortune.
               A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

                                                       63                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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