P. 69


                                                             A)  without         B)  after

                                                                            C)  because       D)  later
               Thomas Edison, one of the most famous
               inventors of all time, was born in Milan, Ohio in         E)  before
               1847.     ---- his education, despite struggling as
               a student in school, he showed an early interest
               in science and technology, and     ----   s  rst
               laboratory in his family’s basement at the age of
               10. Edison’s mother, a former teacher, played a
               s      a t ro e      s edu at o .  e  e t o  to
               develop many important inventions, including the   A)  Although       B)  Notwithstanding
               phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the
               incandescent light bulb, for which he tried over   C)  Apart from       D)  Instead
               1,000 different materials     ----   d    t e r   t
                 a e t.     ---- he faced numerous challenges            E)  In spite of
               throughout his career, Edison’s dedication and
               persistence in the face of setbacks continue to
               inspire people today. Without these qualities,
               Edison’s contributions to technology would have
               been very different, and he     ---- the celebrated
               inventor he is today.                      20.
                                                             A)  should not become
                                                             B)  have not become
               A)  On behalf of    B)  As well as
                                                             C)  must not become
               C)  In terms of       D)  Although
                                                             D)  would not have become
                          E)  On the contrary
                                                             E)  will not become

               A)  bring up        B)  set up

               C)  put forward     D)  carry out

                          E)  take on

                                                       68                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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