P. 74


                3   - 3                                                  ----

                                                             A)  from the fur patterns which help them
               Giraffes are fascinating creatures that are known   recognise their family members from far away
               for their long necks, which can measure up to six
               feet in length. They are the tallest mammals in   B)  with a sixth sense that allows them to read
               the world, with males growing up to 18 feet tall   each other’s thoughts and emotions
               and weighing up to 2,800 pounds. Giraffes have   C)  through different sounds and body movements,
                           coat patterns, with irregular patches   expressing their thoughts and feelings
               of brown on a cream-coloured background. Their
               long legs enable them to run at speeds of up to   D)  by standing in a certain way to signal their
               35 miles per hour, and their tongues, which can   mood to other giraffes
               measure up to 18 inches in length, are specially
               adapted to reach the leaves and twigs of tall   E)  by smelling each other’s footprints and they are
               trees. Giraffes are known to live in loose groups   able to understand their social status
               called ‘towers’ and exhibit social behaviour. They
               communicate with each other through a variety
               of sounds, including snorts, grunts, and moans,
               and they also use body language to convey their
               feelings. Unfortunately, giraffes are currently facing
               numerous threats, including habitat loss, poaching,   3
               and climate change, which has led to a decline
               in their populations. Conservation efforts are   A)  Giraffes’ adaptation to diverse African habitats,
               underway to protect these majestic animals and   including savannahs, grasslands, woodlands,
               ensure their survival for generations to come.   and deserts

                                                             B)  A specialised diet of giraffes chosen delicately
                                                                and selectively by browsing on a variety of
                                                                nutrient-rich plants
           3    T                   ‘distinctive’                  C)  Giraffes and their fascinating characteristics,
                                        ----                    including their long necks, coat patterns, social
               A)  displeasing     B)  consistent               behaviour, and current threats to their survival

               C)  hidden          D)  confusing             D)  Giraffes, maintaining African savannah
                                                                ecosystems and their physical adaptations for
                          E)  unique                            survival

                                                             E)  Giraffes’ significance in African cultures and
                                                                ecotourism that need sustainable practices for
                                                                long-term survival

                                                       73                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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