P. 79


           48.  Mia:
                                                                   -  3


                                                             A)  Most people consider the Amish to be
                  ----                                          unique because they value simplicity and
                                                                independence while having a technology-free
               Ethan:                                           lifestyle.

                                                             B)  Because they value simplicity and
                                                                independence, the Amish, who are generally
                        ot    s  reat  or s  ear   a    ere u der   thought of as being unique, want to lead a
                 the influence of his garden.                   basic lifestyle devoid of technology.

               B)  Obviously nature attracted many painters   C)  Since they value minimalism and
                 throughout the 19th century.                   independence, the Amish decide on a simple
                                                                lifestyle free of technology, which is typically
               C)  I know that one of Monet’s most famous series   thought of as being distinct by most people.
                 of paintings is his Water Lilies.
                                                             D)  Thanks to their esteem for simplicity and
               D)  I don’t know. That is what is alleged.       independence, the Amish lead a tech-free life,
                 Apparently, he fired all the gardeners.        which makes most people think that they are a
                                                                distinct community.
               E)  I didn’t realise that you were so interested in
                 Monet’s garden.                             E)  Generally regarded as being unusual by most
                                                                people, the Amish opt for a basic lifestyle
                                                                devoid of technology due to their values of
                                                                simplicity and independence.

                                                       78                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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