P. 76


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               Pelota is a team sport played on a big court with a   A)  used to be a scoreboard for a sports game
               heavy rubber ball. The game, which is considered
               to be 3,000 years old, was popular throughout   B)  depicts two pelota players at its core
               Mesoamerica. Recently, archaeologists in Mexico
                ave d s overed a   e    arved sto e t at t e    C)  has an exceptional size and shape
               believe was used as a pelota scoreboard. The   D)  has demonstrated that Pelota was an ancient
               circular stone was excavated at the Chichen      game
               Itza archaeological site and is thought to be
               approximately 1,200 years old. The heart of the   E)  is valuable and uncommon due to its
               stone depicts hieroglyphic writing around two    hieroglyphic inscriptions
               players wearing extravagant headgear. A team
               o  e  erts      o o ra     as  de t  ed t e t o
                e tra    ures o  t e sto e as  e ota   a ers.   e
               of the players wears a feather headdress, and the
               other, thought to be his opponent, wears a ‘snake
               turban’. The writing is currently being analysed by    3
               e  erts    order to   ure out  ts  oss   e  ea    .
                 t  s rare to   d   ero         r t    at t  s  a a
               s te  a d eve  rarer to   d a  o   ete te t. T  s   A)  Cautious        B)  Admiring
               hasn’t happened in 11 years,” said archaeologist
               Lizbeth Beatriz Pérez, who found the 40-kg stone.   C)  Critical  D)  Disapproving
               Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and
                 stor    N    sa d t e sto e  as a  re  ous a d          E)  Tolerant
               unusual discovery.

               A)  The game has a long history in Mesoamerica.

               B)  It is a ball game played by two teams.

               C)  Rival players used to wear distinctive

               D)  The scoring system varied among different
                 Mesoamerican cultures.

               E)  The games take place on a large court.

                                                       75                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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