P. 72


                    - 3                                                 G                            ----

                                                             A)  be greatly impressed with the artist’s ability to
                                                                depict the reality of the objects
               Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, known as
               Go a   as      s  0s   e  t e   a  de ade o  t e   B)  find the gamut of human emotions in most of
               18th century started, and he was the best portrait   his portraits
               painter in Spain. As he witnessed the violence
               in the Spanish War of Independence, he used   C)  be stunned by the artist’s skill at making his
               rea  st    a  a  e  ress o s  out ts  a d sett   s      worse subjects appear more appealing
                 s  a  t   s to re e t torture  sorro   a d a o  .   D)  question why the artist was ever so well-liked
                 s  avour   t     er a  a d ar sto rat     a    ad
               been achieved by what now seems to be         E)  find different things to admire than did his
               non-essential visual elements. The fabric,       contemporaries
               jewellery, and medals in the paintings were of
               such high quality that it did not appear to bother
               people that the subjects were unattractive, fearful,
               or despairing. The typical modern-day visitor to the
               Prado in Madrid is unlikely to give much thought
               to Goya’s depiction of attire and accessories. The   3                                        G
               art st s re u ta  e to  atter  as  e o e a  o  t o              ----
               admiration in recent years.
                                                             A)  often exhibit an exaggerated or distorted

                                                             B)  are almost invariably unpleasant and horrifying
                                          G                   C)  show how the artist was affected by the times
                     S                              ----        he was painting in
               A)  his attention to detail about attire and
                 accessories                                 D)  tend to be members of society’s upper crust
                                                             E)  are quite lacking in visual elements like fabric,
               B)  his tricks he played on the clothing and
                 accessories                                    jewellery and medals

               C)  his subjects that were unattractive, fearful and

               D)  his absolute mixture of realism and romanticism

               E)  his non-essential visual elements on his

                                                       71                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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