P. 71



               A)  many readers enjoy the touch and feel of
                 turning the pages of a book, though                ----
                                                             A)  provided that they do not rely solely on
               B)  so no one can say with certainty what the    government handouts and subsidies
                 future holds for paper books
                                                             B)  unless they are willing to navigate bureaucratic
               C)  plus ebooks can be used in most places, so   obstacles
                 long as you can keep the reading devices
                 charged                                     C)  only if they have experience in high-tech
                                                                industries and emerging markets
               D)  but the demand for ebooks and audiobooks
                 has skyrocketed over the past decade        D)  on condition that they focus on low-paying,
                                                                low-skill jobs
               E)  and young people have the ability to read more
                 quickly on an e-reader                      E)  as long as they possess a deep understanding
                                                                of macroeconomic trends

               A)  even though those who lived in Italy, Greece,
                 Spain, and Croatia had lower rates of heart   ----.
                                                             A)  it is urgently needed to argue about the
               B)  since no one believed that this type of eating   recovery process and the cost of repairs and
                 pattern could increase lifespan and healthy    restoration
                 ageing and prevent heart strokes
                                                             B)  individuals can begin to recover and rebuild by
               C)  despite the fact that certain populations in the   seeking assistance from local and national aid
                 Mediterranean Sea Basin were observed to be    organisations
                 in better overall health
                                                             C)  it is important for individuals and families in
               D)  just after it was stated that the beneficial   hurricane-prone areas to have emergency kits
                 effects of this type of diet had no effect on   and evacuation plans
                 cardiovascular diseases
                                                             D)  rising global temperatures are expected to
               E)  when it was noted that heart disease was not   increase the frequency and severity of these
                 as common in Mediterranean countries as it     storms in the coming years
                 was in the US
                                                             E)  governments around the world are investing in
                                                                education to raise public awareness about the
                                                                risks of deforestation
                                                       70                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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