P. 75


                                                          3                              ----
                3   -
                                                             A)  the layout of the thermal baths was influenced
                                                                by the city’s size and wealth
               Thermal baths, which were built for bathing,
               relaxing, and socialising, were a common sight in   B)  interior design of the facilities were identical
               cities all around the Roman Empire. The Romans
               believed that regular visits to the thermal baths   C)  all thermal baths had different facilities
               were necessary for good health and hygiene. The   regardless of their capacity
               baths were usually open from midday till dusk,   D)  the biggest Roman baths were in Ephesus
               and they were accessible to everyone although
               the richer visitors could afford private baths or   E)  thermal baths were open only for wealthy
               separate areas with more exclusive services. The   people
               size and prosperity of the city had an impact on the
               design of the thermal baths. While some cities had
               smaller baths that served more basic functions,
               others had great public thermal baths with facilities
               like swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms, and
               massage rooms. The Roman baths in Ephesus,
               for example, covered an area of approximately
               15,000 square metres and were able to hold up to   A)  The importance of hygiene in ancient Rome
               1,000 bathers at a time. They were also decorated
               with extravagant furnishings and artwork, such as   B)  Great Roman structures
               frescoes, mosaics, and ornate marble sculptures,
               which emphasised their luxury and beauty.     C)  A brief introduction to Roman thermal baths
                                                             D)  The size and capacity of public baths in

                                                                  o  to des    t er a   at s

               A)  had a significant cultural and economic impact
                 on ancient Rome

               B)  played an important role in daily life in ancient

               C)  were all plain and simple in their decoration

               D)  could be accessed at any time of day

               E)  were constructed purely for curative or
                 cleanliness purposes

                                                       74                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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