P. 80



               A)  If technological progress were a smooth
                 process, all pioneers would not fail so many   A)  Despite significant advancements,
                 times before inventing the most essential      photographic images can only exist in two
                 pieces of technology.                          dimensions: the height and width of the flat
                                                                screen on which they appear.
               B)  Pioneers usually fail more than once before
                 establishing the most significant technological   B)  Thanks to the latest innovations, the
                 innovations since technological advancement is   photographic image can exist in two
                 not a gentle process.                          dimensions now: the height and width of the flat
                                                                screen on which it appears.
               C)  Due to the extensive nature of technological
                 advancement, many early pioneers gave       C)  Although the width and height of the screen on
                 up before producing the most significant       which it appears are limited to two dimensions,
                 advances.                                      photographic technology has advanced
                                                                considerably with the latest developments.
               D)  For the simple reason that technological
                 advancement is a difficult process, pioneers   D)  The most recent innovations have greatly
                 frequently experience failure before producing   advanced photographic image technology, yet
                 the most significant technological inventions.  it still only has two dimensions: the height and
                                                                width of the flat screen that it appears on.
               E)  Knowing that technological advancement is
                 a difficult process, most pioneers pass up the   E)  Modern photographic image technology has
                 opportunity to create the most essential pieces   come a long way, but it is still only capable
                 of technology.                                 of existing in two dimensions: the height and
                                                                length of the flat screen on which it appears.

                                                       79                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85