P. 85
C ----
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made. T
A) The oldest popcorn known to date was found in
New Mexico.
B) Additionally, there is evidence of popcorn in A) Songdo has been a huge part of the move
Peru, Mexico, and Guatemala. towards sustainable growth, and the city is a
novel model as 40% of its area is dedicated to
C) Sometimes it’s unclear when certain things outdoor spaces.
were first discovered.
B) There’s no doubt that Songdo is revolutionary
D) There is also evidence of Native People eating and is by far the most technologically
popcorn throughout North America. integrated city in the world.
E) There are many different explanations about C) Songdo is a new metropolis in South Korea
how popcorn first came to be. being developed from scratch on reclaimed
land to house 65,000 people and employ
D) The architects of Songdo envision a world in
which our regular trips to the supermarket, the
doctor, and the coffee shop are all eliminated.
E) The hardest thing about living in an eco-friendly,
master-planned utopia is undoubtedly meeting
your neighbours.
84 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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