P. 90


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                                                                  A)  Literature, which is one of the most effective
                                                                ways for people and societies to express
                                                                themselves, is a branch of art that covers all
               A)  In addition to features such as intelligence,   events, feelings and thoughts arising from
                 awareness, memory and consciousness, the       social life.
                 nervous system reacts suddenly to changes
                 in the external and internal environment along   B)  Literature, which is one of the most efficient
                 with the endocrine system.                     methods for individuals and cultures to express
                                                                themselves, is a type of art that encompasses
               B)  The nervous system, in addition to features   all social events, emotions, and ideas.
                 such as intelligence, awareness, memory, and
                 consciousness, responds quickly to changes   C)  Literature, which is one of the most effective
                 in the internal and external environment, along   methods for societies and individuals to
                 with the endocrine system.                     express themselves, is a branch of art that
                                                                encompasses all occurrences, emotions, and
               C)  Together with the endocrine system, the      ideas resulting from social life.
                 nervous system, in addition to intellect,
                 awareness, memory, and consciousness,       D)  Literature, which is a branch of art that
                 reacts suddenly to changes in the internal and   embraces all events, emotions, and ideas
                 external environment.                          coming from social life, is one of the most
                                                                efficient methods for individuals and cultures to
               D)  The nervous system, coupled with the         express themselves.
                 endocrine system, responds quickly to changes
                 in the internal and external environment in   E)  Literature, a form of art that encompasses all
                 addition to characteristics such as intellect,   social events, feelings, and ideas, is one of the
                 awareness, memory, and consciousness.          most effective ways for people and societies to
                                                                express themselves.
               E)  In addition to intellect, awareness, memory,
                 and consciousness, the neurological and
                 endocrine systems respond quickly to internal
                 and external environmental changes.

                                                       89                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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