P. 86


                C    S                                      3   T


                                                    ---- T

                                                             A)  The education can start as early as
                                                                kindergarten, with activities like counting and

                                                                sorting coins.
                    e  rote severa   oo s a  ed at  ou
                 readers that soon became bestsellers.       B)  It is an essential life skill that everyone should
                                                                learn, regardless of age or income level.
               B)  Sagan was also in favour of changing the way
                 science education was taught in schools.    C)  Financial illiteracy is a major contributor to
                                                                debt, poverty, and economic inequality.
                    e  rou  t s  e  e to a   der aud e  e
                 through his TV series Cosmos: A Personal    D)  In today’s digital age, digital literacy is also
                 Voyage.                                        becoming increasingly important.

               D)  Sagan’s ability to communicate complex    E)  Focusing too heavily on material possessions
                 scientific concepts in an accessible way made   may have some potential drawbacks.
                 him very popular.

               E)  As a NASA consultant, he played a key role in
                 the Viking missions to Mars.

                                                       85                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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