P. 81


                S                                                3   T

               A)  A study led by scientists has shown that   A)  Even if someone owns an e-reading device for
                 Alzheimer’s disease can be diagnosed a few     a short time, they will probably say that they
                 years before the early signs of memory loss.   can’t stop reading.

               B)  Scientists have found evidence that changes   B)  People who have no intention to buy an
                 in the brain appear ten years before a person   e-reading device cannot read more books than
                 shows any signs of Alzheimer’s disease.        the ones who have already owned one.

               C)  Scientists have indicated that Alzheimer’s   C)  Unless someone has had an e-reading device
                 disease progresses in the brain long before any   for a long time, they say they are apt to read
                 signs of memory loss become apparent.          less.

               D)  Scientists have shown that early signs of   D)  People who prefer reading printed books
                 memory loss may occur a long time prior to the   will probably read less than those who read
                 diagnosis of memory decline.                   ebooks.

               E)  Scientists have stated that few signs of   E)  The longer people have owned an e-reading
                 Alzheimer’s disease related to brain functioning   device, the more they are apt to say they are
                 become noticeable ten or more years before     reading more.
                 the disease occurs.

                                                       80                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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