P. 91


                                                                  3   T

               A)  As the term ‘culture’ has different meanings, it   A)  Whereas the telephone took many years to
                 mostly refers to everything that demonstrates a    be adopted by a large portion of the world’s
                 specific group of people’s, society’s, or nation’s   population, the mobile phone did this in just a
                 identity.                                      few years.

               B)  The term ‘culture’ has several meanings, but in   B)  Despite the fact that it took many years for the
                 its most general sense, it refers to everything   phone to be accepted by most of the world’s
                 that contributes to a specific group of people’s,   population, only the mobile phone did it in a few
                 society’s, or nation’s identity.               years.

               C)  Even though the term ‘culture’ can mean many   C)  Since it took many years for the phone to
                 different things, it typically refers to anything   be recognised by the majority of the world’s
                 that expresses the identity of a specific group   population, mobile phones achieved this in just
                 of people, community, or nation.               a few years.

               D)  The term ‘culture,’ which has many different   D)  Although it took many years for most of the
                 meanings, refers, in the most general way, to   world’s population to use the phone, this
                 everything that represents a particular group of   happened in just a few years thanks to the
                 people’s, society’s, or country’s identity.    mobile phone.

               E)  Since ‘culture’ generally has numerous    E)  The phone, which took many years to be
                 meanings, it can be used to refer to anything   embraced by a large part of the world’s
                 that influences how a community, group of      population, was used less than the mobile
                 people, or nation identifies itself.           phone, which did this in just a few years.

                                                       90                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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