P. 93


                                                          78.       u a  d sse t o s  ere  rst do u e ted
                                                             Europe in the thirteenth century at the University of
                                                             Bologna in Italy, although they were not performed
                                                             for the study of anatomy as it was illegal to exploit
                    Many people think of poetry as something which   human bodies in this way.      Several years later,
               is found in dusty old books or something which is   it became regular practice to add dissection to a
               only studied at school.       o ever   oetr   a    guilty criminal’s death sentence.       Instead, it was
               actually be found in many different aspects of   done to determine the source of criminal activity.
               everyday life.       Whenever you feel you need        The study of anatomy was not legalised until
               some motivation, you can turn to your trusty poetry   1505, when the judges of Edinburgh, Scotland,
               books.      For instance, song lyrics are a form   gave the city’s Guild of Surgeons and Barbers
               of poetry, and many people enjoy listening to   permission to dissect one hanged prisoner every
               music as a way to relax or cope with the stress of   year.     In the year 1540, the allowance was
               daily life.     In addition, poems can be found in   doubled to four a year for the purpose of acquiring
               children’s books, greeting cards, and even some   further and improved knowledge, insight, and
               advertisements.                               teaching in the area of surgery.
               A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V     A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

           77.      Global cooperation is the collaboration of            Planning is essential for individuals and
               nations, organisations, and people from all over   organisations to achieve their desired outcomes
               the world to accomplish a common objective,      a  e    e t a d e  e t ve  a  er.      It
               which might include economic, political, and social   involves communication and collaboration among
               efforts.      Global cooperation is necessary to   individuals and teams, enhancing teamwork
               address some of the most pressing issues facing   and coordination.       The success of planning
               our world today such as climate change, economic   depends on the ability to turn plans into action,
               inequality, and global health crises.       It is also   and to continuously evaluate and improve
               important for promoting peace and security,   performance over time.        e    a     su  ess u
               advancing human rights, and fostering sustainable   planning requires careful consideration of multiple
               development.      Over the past 70 years, there   factors, including resources, timelines, risk, and
               has been a remarkable increase in prosperity and   stakeholder involvement.     Stakeholders are
               opportunity, which has been made possible by   individuals, groups, or organisations that have
               global cooperation.     This collaboration requires   an interest in the activities and outcomes of the
                ou tr es to  or  to et er to   d so ut o s to   business.
               global problems and to share resources and    A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V
               A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

                                                       92                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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