P. 98


                                                             A)  Thanks to       B)  Hence

                                                                          C)  Whereas       D)  However
               A Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of
               a heart attack, stroke, or premature death for            E)  Although
               hundreds of millions of individuals (16)---- are
               predisposed to cardiovascular disease, according
               to a global evaluation of research. A diet high
                  o  ve o    a  o ds   s     o e  ra  s  a d
               vegetables (17)---- to a var et  o   ea t   e e ts
               and its success in assisting healthy people to live   19.
               longer lives is well documented. (18)----, there
               has been no proof of how it might aid patients at   A)  contrary to       B)  on behalf of
               high risk of cardiovascular disease until recently.   C)  except for       D)  in addition to
               Hundreds of millions of people suffer from obesity,
               type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or high             E)  in terms of
               cholesterol, (19)---- those who are physically
               sede tar  or s o e. T e  ote t a   e e ts o  t e
               Mediterranean diet for these individuals are still
               being     ----.

                                                             A)  studied         B)  neglected

           16.                                               C)  rejected        D)  avoided
               A)  which           B)  whose
                                                                         E)  omitted
               C)  who             D)  whom

                          E)  where

               A)  linked          B)  has been linked

               C)  links           D)  linking

                          E)  had linked

                                                       97                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103