P. 99


                                                               T            -                    L
                    -                                                              Fallingwater

                                         -                   A)  yet there was an urgent need to construct a
                                         ----                   bridge to get in
               A)  despite its original meaning being different in   B)  and the architect is capable of constructing
                 English                                        houses in nature

               B)  even though it is very necessary to say such a   C)  thus, it fits in perfectly with the landscape
                                                                surrounding it
               C)  which in Britain emphasises the dish served at   D)  but it is incredibly complicated to reach the
                 meals                                          house itself

               D)  nevertheless, it means exactly the same in   E)  which meaninglessly draws the villagers’
                 English                                        attention

               E)  nonetheless, this is not regarded as a tradition
                 in Britain

                                                           4   ----

                                                              A)  Engaging with technology too much increases
                                                                the rate of wasted time
                                                             B)  Technology like the Internet and mobile phones
               A)  Some occupations occasionally take the       speeds up communication
                 necessary precautions for health
                                                             C)  Having the newest technology products
               B)  Most employees don’t think they care about   decreases time efficiency
                 safety at work
                                                             D)  The excessive use of technological devices
               C)  Within several contagious diseases, some are   raises radiation exposure
                 known to be quite risky
                                                             E)  Social media reduces the amount of time spent
               D)  People who work in the same profession often   in front of screens
                 get the same diseases

               E)  Some less severe illnesses may be foreseen
                 when riskier jobs are accepted

                                                       98                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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